BirdLife International Fiji Programme

The BirdLife Pacific Partnership Secretariat manages a country programme in Fiji. The Fiji Programme was founded in 2003. For more information on BirdLife Fiji please visit their website.

PII Support
  • Review of project documents
  • Access to best practice tools
  • Access to subject matter experts
  • Planning assistance at all stages of a project
  • Aerial eradication training
  • Island biosecurity training
  • How to eradicate rodents and cats on island training
  • Subject matter expert training
  • On-the-job training
Project 1: Protecting the Internationally Important Seabird Colony of Vatu-I-Ra Islands, Fiji
Project Stage Document
Feasibility Study Johns, K.; Chappell, R.; Masibalavu. and Seniloli, E. 2006. Protecting the internationally important seabird colony of Vatu-I-Ra Island, Fiji. Feasibility Study (unpublished).
Project Design Anonymous. 2006. Protecting the internationally important seabird colony of Vatu-I-Ra Island, Fiji Project Plan (unpublished).
Operational Planning Anonymous. 2006. Pacific rat eradication on Vatu-I-Ra Island, Fiji. Operational Plan (unpublished).
Sustaining the Project Anonymous. 2007. Second monitoring survey of Vatu-I-Ra, Lomaivit, Fiji, June 8-11th 2007 August 2007 (unpublished).
Environment Consultants Fiji. 2006. First monitoring survey of Vatu-I-Ra Island, Lomaiviti, Fiji,  August 15-20th 2006 (unpublished).  Birdlife International, Fiji.
Project 2: Restoration of Kadomo and Monuriki Islands, Fiji (This is a joint project between BirdLife and National Trust of Fiji)
Project Stage Document
Feasibility Study Coulston, G. 2010. Observations on technical aspects for proposed goat eradication on Kadomo Island, Fiji (unpublished). Prepared by the Pacific Invasive Initiative for Birdlife International Fiji Programme, Fiji
Coulston, G., Ratu, M., Nagle, B. 2010. Monuriki Island goat removal; report of a feasibility study visit. (unpublished). Prepared by Pacific Invasives Initiative for The National Trust of Fiji

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